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About us


Shine Like Christ Church is a Christian community that is bind with one desire of honoring and glorifying Jesus Christ Jesus. The name was inspired by the bible verse – “For God said; let light shine out of darkness, made His light shine in our heart to give us the light of the knowledge of God’s glory displayed in the face of Christ" (2 Corinthians4:6.)


The church started in one prayer meeting that was held at Pariam Commercial Center in commonwealth, Quezon City. It was led by a missionary pastor named Richard Tien and some other 9 people who were workers for Christ, including our current church head pastor, Alberto “AL” Dones.The group started the “feeding” mission which was called “Operation Love” which means sharing and spreading the love of our Lord Jesus Christ by His Words, and giving out milk, used clothing and medicine to children.


On September 1, 1992, Shine Jesus Shine (previous name) was registered in S.E.C


In 1996, the Sunday Divine Worship started in Tikling, Taytay Rizal led by Ptr. Alberto Dones. The group continued to pray for spacious place for worship until one day, through a child’s dedication, God allowed the Claveria and Gambal families to use their area, and so the Sunday Divine Worship continued in Velasquez St. Bangiad, Taytay Rizal until early of 2004.


The work of God did not stop. Through a cash donation of one sister it was able to buy a 129 sq.m. lot situated in Leviticus Park, Subdivision Taytay, Rizal and  moved to its own  on building and had its first Sunday service on October 10, 2004


The church organization which is mainly composed of volunteer/ non-paid faithful workers was re-established on July 25, 2010 with its senior pastor Alberto “AL” Dones. Since then, general meeting has been a regular monthly activity. God continued to provide workers for the church; non-paid yet are committed to do the great commission. The church is now a full gospel Christian organization of strong leadership with 200+ members as of January 2013.


As agreed by all leaders of the church, we changed the name to Shine Like Christ Church and were registered in S.E.C. on March 16, 2012.


Now the church being independent continues to do the ministry entrusted by God. Making the most of all the resources to share the Word of God through feeding activities, bible studies, Sunday services, involving young people and children , and Hymns of Faith concerts (SLCC’s music team), and hopefully releasing albums to share Gospel through Holy Spirit inspired songs originally composed by its members.



Since March of 2012, a lot of things came and SLCC as one family faced and continue to keep the faith and the love that bind us all.


On January 2013 we started strong with the children feeding held for 5 consecutive Saturdays in Sitio Kandrenai of Kalayaan Angono Rizal. The feeding was supported initially by Loaves of Love through Ptr. Manny Lumba, and continued with the pledges of the congregation. The said ministry opened another place to share the Word of God through bible studies led by Ptr. Francis Salamo with the help of Ptr. Domingo Dones. The ministry was supported by volunteers from different ministries (like: children & Mana) every Saturdays starting January up today at 3:00 PM.


We named the feeding mission as “Manna for Children Feeding Mission or (MCFM). Supported by the Bible verse Isaiah 58: 10  “And if you give yourself to the hungry and satisfy the desire of the afflicted, then your light will rise in darkness and your gloom will become like midday.”

And now we are still working and trust in the Lord that He will provide the needs of the feeding ministries. We continue to seek assistance and we are also hopeful to conduct Medical missions as well.

Copyright 2015. Shine Like Christ Church

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